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West of Somewhere


[対象楽器]ジョン・海山・ネプチューン - 尺八

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Dance for the One in Six 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
The "somewhere" in the title, like the "everywhere" in East of Everywhere, is intentionally vague, because although the piece has Indian-sounding aspects, it is difficult to "place" in any given country's tradition. Curiously, I first conceived the piece with a somewhat Indonesian motif.
Play ButtonJoy 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
The "Somewhere" in the title is intentionally vague, because although the piece has Indian-sounding aspects, it is difficult to "place" in any given country's tradition. (The title has another angle, reflecting the fact that Buddhism came to Japan via China from India, both to the "West.") Curiously, I first conceived the piece with somewhat of an Indonesian motif.

MUSIC STUFF: The first section is a free-rhythm solo for shakuhachi with the drone sound of the tambura. The second section is in 4/4 time and presents the theme, followed by shakuhachi and sitar improvisations.
Play ButtonWest of Somewhere 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン