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Ryūkyū Min'yō ni yoru Kumikyoku


[別名]Suite on folk songs of Ryukyu
[対象楽器]牧野 由多可 - 尺八 - 1966


A fantasy suite based on the nostalgic melodies of the classic Ryukyu folk songs Asadoyayunta and Tobaruma from the Yaeyama district in Kyushu. Asadoyayunta is too famous to require explanation. Tobaruma is a touchingly emotional song and together with Shonkane bushi from Yonagunijima Island are the two most famous songs from this area. The title Tobaruma is said to be derived from Tonohara (field of a lord). It could also come from Tora (shadow) or Torama (person in the shadow), therefore having the meaning of a person in your heart such as a loved one.

This composition is not only an arrangement of these evocative folk songs. From the original idea to compose in the characteristic Ryukyu scale, these pieces were used in the creative process.

There are three joined movements. The first movement starts with a koto cadenza playing the slow melody of Asadoyayunta in the Ryukyu scale. This is developed in a form of variation to introduce the second slow movement in which the shakuhachi plays the Tobaruma melody as a main theme. Long cadenzas from both shakuhachi and koto are followed by the lively final movement which transforms to a tanchame styled melody, a dance style with distinctive syncopated rhythm. The tempo rises enthusiastically reaching a dramatic climax with the repeated melody of Asadoyayunta.

琉球民謡による組曲 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Anthology of Modern Koto Music 3 箏 : 砂崎 知子
尺八 : 三橋 貴風
箏 : 安藤 政輝
箏 : 森千恵子
Play ButtonChallenging Eternity Disk 19 箏 : 砂崎 知子
尺八 : 三橋 貴風
箏 : 森千恵子
箏 : 安藤 政輝

Dream Picture 尺八 : Gunnar Jinmei Linder