トップ 人物 アルバム 文献 流派 用語集 リンク・イベント 先生 ISSに入会する ログイン

Time Design



NA は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Tokyosphere 尺八 : ジョン・海山・ネプチューン
As the title implies, time, or more precisely, the division of time, was one of the key organizing factors for this piece. There is time divided freely, in threes, in fours, and in various simultaneous combinations. "Trying Times" was a working title for this piece that the members of TOKYOSPHERE could relate to as they had a lot of "fun" with the different rhythms and changes. It is interesting to note that, in traditional Japanese music, divisions of three are not used.