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[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[対象楽器]八重崎 検校 - 箏
菊岡 検校 - 三弦

発祥 (柘植 元一):

This piece was originally composed by Kikuoka Kengyo of Kyoto in the jiuta style, that is, as a song accompanied by a shamisen with an extensive interlude called tegoto. Later it was arranged into an ensemble piece for koto and shamisen by Yaezaki Kengyo (1766?-1848), the famous koto virtuoso of Kyoto.

Kajimakura literally means 'rudder-pillow,' which actually implies 'asleep on a boat trip,' and the song expresses the yearning of a riverboat courtesan for a young man who might disregard her background and see the innocence and purity of her heart.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

The dipping oars
Raise clouds of spray
Across the waters.
Firm in their stand,
The bamboo reeds
Make me sad
Through the sleepless nights
On this river boat.

Night after night
My thoughts torment me.
Is it the waves,
My tears,
Or the dew dripping
Through the grass roof,
That soaks my sleeves
Bound up in sorrow?
I drift here and there
To drown my sadness,
With a rudder
As my pillow.

However far
My travel takes me,
Let the final destination
Be the foot of a pine tree
Along the shore.
A firm pledge of love
Is all I ask,
All I ask of you.

I place my heart
In your hands.

Hold it there
Forever and ever.
Kararo osu
mizu no kemuri no
hitokata ni
nabiki mo yaranu
kawatake no
ukifushi shigeki
shigeki ukine no
Yoru yoru mi nizo
nami ka namida ka
toma moru tsuya ka
nurenizo nureshi
waga sode no
shioru omoi wo
nagare watari ni
ukarete kurasu
kokoro-zukushi no


Sashite yukue no
tooku tomo
tsui ni yorube wa
kishi no ue no
matsu no ne
kataki chigiri wo ba
semete tanoman
tanomu wa kimi ni
kokoro yureshite
kimi ga te ni
musubi tomete yo
chiyo yorozuyo mo

楫枕 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
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尺八 : 三世 荒木 古童
Play ButtonFujii Kunie Sokyoku Jiuta No Sekai 3

Fujii Kunie, The World of Shamisen and Jiuta Singing 5 尺八 : 三世 川瀨 順輔
箏 : 小林 玉枝
歌 : 藤井 久仁江
三弦 : 藤井 久仁江

Ikuta Ryu Sokyoku Senshu Volume 04 (上) 箏 : 宮城 喜代子
三弦 : 矢崎明子
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Ikuta-Ryū Sōkyoku Senshū - volume 7 歌 : 松尾恵子
三弦 : 松尾恵子
箏 : 松尾和子

Jiuta no Sekai - 5 箏 : 中能島 慶子
歌 : 初代 富山 清琴
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Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 10 (三曲合奏大全集10) 箏 : 中島 靖子
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三弦 : 唯是 震一
尺八 : 難波竹山

Sankyoku Home Practice - Chuden 1 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
三弦 : 太田 里子
箏 : 佐藤 親貴

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 5 三弦 : 佐々川静枝
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Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 1 歌 : 井上 道子
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箏 : 中島 靖子

Sō to Sangen no Shirabe - Sōkyoku to Jiuta 歌 : 松尾恵子
箏 : 松尾恵子
三弦 : 森雄士

Sōkyoku - Shin Aoyagi / Kajimakura 歌 : 松尾恵子
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箏 : 森雄士

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 33 歌 : 宮城 喜代子
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歌 : 米川 敏子
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尺八 : 島原 帆山
Play ButtonSong of Daybreak 尺八 : Bruce Huebner
Kaji Makura "A Rudder for My Pillow" is one of the finest examples of the kyofu tegoto mono, a sub-genre of sankyoku that reached its peak of development under Kengyo Kikuoka (1792-1847). The form is typical of tegoto mono: two vocal sections, called the mae uta and ato uta, are separated by an instrumental interlude called the tegoto. These song sections are further broken by short interludes called ai no te. Also typical is the addition by another composer, Kengyo Yaezaki (1776-1848) in this case, of a koto tetsuke much in the same manner as the shakuhachi kaede above. The middle tegoto instrumental section of "A Rudder for My Pillow" is atypically divided further into two dan or "steps," a form borrowed from an older koto genre called dan mono. These dan have an equal number of beats and can be played simultaneously to create another layer of polyphony. The melismatic singing style and text content is typical of the tegoto mono and jiuta in general. In Kaji Makura, a courtesan, her life drifting like the boat upon which she works, longs for a man who will forget her unseemly past and love her for her pure heart.
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Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 8 歌 : 松尾恵子
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