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Aki no Nanakusa


[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[対象楽器]三世山登松齢 - 箏

発祥 (柘植 元一):

This lovely piece, Aki no nanakusa ('The Seven Flowers of Autumn'), is one of the compositions selected as teaching material by Ongaku Torishirabe-gakari (the Music Study Committee), and published under the title Sokyoku shu ('Collection of Japanese Koto Music' Vol. 1) in 1888. It is reported that this piece was actually composed by Yamato Shorei (1844-89) in 1884 and revised by Yamase Shoin (1845-1908), both members of the committee. In the course of the interlude (ainote), the first section of Rokudan is heard as the counterpart.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

What are the flowers
That bloom
In autumn fields?
Count on your fingers
And see!
Wearing brocade,
Is the bush clover (1).
Then plume grass (2)
Arrowroot (3) and ominaeshi (4).
Agueweed (5) - who hung up
His hakama?
The wild pink (6) - like children
Indulged by parents.
The morning-glory (7) - brought to life
By the dew.

It was these seven
Flowers of autumn (8)
That the ancients
First loved.
The beauty of these seven
Of the autumn fields -
Their names now
Are famed.
The seven flowers of autumn
Bring fragrance to the fields.

(1) Hagi or lespedeza.
(2) Obana or miscanthus sinensis.
(3) Kuzubana or kudzu vine.
(4) Patrinia scabiosaefolia.
(5) Fujibakama.
(6) Nadeshiko or dianthus superbus.
(7) Asagao.
(8) These 'Seven Autumn Flowers' were praised by Yamanoe no Okura (660?-733?), a Man'yo poet

Aki no no ni
sakitaru hana wa
naninani zo
ono ga yubi ori
kazoe miyo
nishiki wo yosooo
hagi ga hana
obana kuzubana
taga nugikakeshi
oya no nasake no
nadeshiko ni
tsuyu wo inochi no
asagao no hana


Kono nanakusa no
hana wa shimo
mukashi no hito no
akino no hana no
sono na wa ima ni
takamado ya
nobe ni nioeru
aki no nanakusa

秋の七草 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 19(続三曲合奏大全集19) 三弦 : 西潟美渓
歌 : 西潟昭子
箏 : 西潟昭子
尺八 : 藤井 治童
歌 : 川村 京子
箏 : 川村 京子

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 55 箏 : 中能島 欣一
歌 : 中能島 慶子

Yamada-Ryū Koto no Kagami 三弦 : 小笠原 萩和
歌 : 四世萩岡松韻
箏 : 三世萩岡松韻